The name Herishef is a variant of Harsaphes or Heryshaf, the Egyptian ram-headed god who was also identified with Ra and Osiris. The name Herishef seems to be used more on French and Spanish websites: The English version of Wikipedia lists this deity as Heryshaf, but the names Harsaphes and Herishef seem to be more common. (From the number of hits returned from a Google search, anyway.)
There are several: 'Arsaphes' (Herishef), 'Kherty','Khnum','banebdjedet','Amon'. There are also variants of 'Re' and 'Horus' with the head of a Ram. They are all the ones that I can think of off the top of my head. . :)
Aah, Anti, Buchis, Heka, Keket, Khentamentiu, Meret, Ahti, Anubis, Buto, Ahy, Apep, Djed, Aken, Apis, Duamutef, Aker, Asar-Hap, Ernutet, Amentet, Ash, Geb, Ammut, Aaten, Hapi, Amon, Atum, Hapy, Amist, Babi, Harkpakhrad, Anat, Banebdjedet, Hather, Anedjiti, Bast, Hatmehit, Anhur, Bat, Hauhet, Ankhet, Bennu, Hedjwer, Antaios, Bes, Heh, Heket, Heptet, Heret, Herishef, Khentykhety, Nefertem, Nehebkau, Neit, Nekhbet, Nemty, Kheper, Khnum, Khons, Hertept, Nephtys, Horakhnte, Maahes, Niau, Horemakhet, Maat, Niaut, Horus, Mafdet, Nun, Hu, Mehurt, Nunet, Imotep. Menhit Nut, Isis, Mentu, Osiris, Kek, Pakhet, ReshpuMeretseger, Qaudesh, Ptah, Meskhenet, Qebehsennuf, Ptah-Sokar, Min, Ra, Reshpu, Mut, Re-Horakhte, Satet, Sia, Unut, Sed, Sobek, Upuaut, Sekhmet, Sokar, Urthekau, Selket, Sopdet, Wadjet, Serapis, Sopdu, Wasret, Seshat, Tatenen, Weppwawet, Set, Taureet, Weret, Shesmu, Tefnut, Wosret, Shu, Thoth. There are over 2000 Egyptian gods/goddesses/deities know to scholars today by name. Those are the most popular ones.