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Q: Who was it that loved himself so much that he starved looking at his own reflection in the water?
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Why does Aphrodite punish Narcissus?

Because Narcissus was loved; but loved no one but himself in turn.

Goddess echo narcissus and pan were they in love with the same person minning echo?

-echo was a nymph who loved narcissus -narcissus loved himself -pan loves echo -narcissus died cause he wouldn't stop looking at himself to eat -echo died of depression from losing narcissus -pan continued his life as a god

What was narcissus the greek god of?

Narcissus was not a god. He was a youth in Greek mythology that fell in love with his reflection in a pool, which resulted in him dying (or fading away) while staring at himself. He was turned into a flower. Partly correct. In Greek mythology, Narcissus (/ɑrˈɪə/; Greek: Νάρκισσος, Narkissos) was a hunter from the territory of Thespiae in Boeotia who was renowned for his beauty. He was the son of a river god named Cephissus and a nymph named Liriope.[1]He was exceptionally proud, in that he disdained those who loved him. Nemesis noticed this behavior and attracted Narcissus to a pool, where he saw his own reflection in the water and fell in love with it, not realizing it was merely an image. Unable to leave the beauty of his reflection, Narcissus died. Narcissus is the origin of the term narcissism, a fixation with oneself.

Who did Narcissus fall in love with?

In the ancient Greek legend, Narcissus was the incredibly handsome son of a naiad and a river god. Everyone loved and admired him, and he became so vain and self-absorbed that he ignored all, preferring only to dwell upon his own beauty. The nymph, Echo, fell deeply in love with him and, in the face of his total ignorance of her presence she eventually faded away from grief and neglect, until only her haunting voice was left. Another person attracted to Narcissus complained about his obsession with himself to the goddess Nemesis, asking for Narcissus to be dealt with in an appropriate way. Nemesis obliged and Narcissus was caused to fall in love with the beautiful person he thought he saw as he bent to drink from a pool of water; of course, this was his own reflection. He couldn't tear himself away from the lovely sight and eventually died of starvation. When his sisters - naiads - came to bury him, he had disappeared and, in his place, was a charming flower, a narcissus, bending in the breeze towards its reflection in the water.

What is a short summary on Echo and Narcissus?

Echo was a nymph, that loved her own voice. She used to entertain Hera as a distraction, so that Zeus could have affairs with the other nymphs. Hera found out what Echo was doing, and cursed her. The curse made it so Echo could only repeat back the words of others. Echo later came across and fell in love with the very handsome Narcissus. Narcissus leaned over to see his reflection in the lake. Being a vain person, he fell in love with his own reflection. He would mutter words of love to himself, which Echo would repeat. He never left his reflection to eat or drink, and slowly withered. Echo began to despair, and eventually took his hunting knife and killed him. The first Narcissus flowers came from the droplets of his spilled blood.

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