General William Howe Commanded the British Army at the Battle of Bunker Hill in 1775 was .
The Colonists at Breed's Hill and Bunker Hill were commanded by General Israel Putnam* of Connecticut, ably assisted by Colonel William Prescott.
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* Interestingly, Major General Joseph Warren, who actually outranked Putnam, was present but declined command. He cited his lack of combat experience for this decision and chose rather to fight at Bunker Hill as a private.
He died heroically in the final assault on the redoubt, helping to gaining the time needed for the escape of the remaining Colonists. He was recognized by a British officer, and his body was mutilated almost beyond recognition. His actions and death at Breeds Hill served as a powerful inspiration to the Americans for the remainder of the war and beyond.
The battle at Breed's Hill and Bunker Hill occurred in 1775.
It means a victory at great loss to the victor. Examples include the eponymous victories of Pyrrhus at Heraclea and Asculum, Bunker Hill, and Monte Cassino.
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1,200 colonial troops were under the command of William Prescott
General William Howe
Thomas Gage
William Prescott commanded about 1,200 colonial troops during the battle of Bunker Hill which mostly took place on the adjacent Breed's Hill.
British troops of the Boston garrison against troops of the American Continental Army.
william howe
British Commander-In-Chief in American
William Howe was the commander of British forces during the Battle of Bunker Hill. He went on to serve as the Commander-in-Chief of British forces, replacing Thomas Gage. Howe served in the military from 1746 to 1803.
British troops of the Boston garrison against troops of the American Continental Army.
During the Battle of Bunker Hill, American soldiers utilized earthwork fortifications to defend themselves against the British troops advancing up the hill.