Actually, there are two goddess's:
The first [goddess of war] is Sekhmet and the second [healing deity] is Isis.
The vulture is sacred to the goddess Nekhbet in Egyptian mythology.
Hathor did not die in Egyptian myth.
Egyptian god
The Egyptian goddess of war was Sekhmet the Lioness goddess with the body of a woman
Sekhmet was the Egyptian goddess of warfare, pestilence, and the desert. She is often pictured with the head of a lioness.
The Egyptian goddess of fire is Sekhmet, also the goddess of war. She had the head of a lioness and the body of a woman.
Tefnut was the Egyptian Goddess of cloudsTefnut was the Egyptian Goddess of clouds.Tefnut was the Egyptian Goddess of clouds.Tefnut was the Egyptian Goddess of clouds.
Not exactly. There is a goddess of war, Sehkmet.
No; Ma'at is the Egyptian goddess of balance and justice, Athena is the Greek Goddess of wisdom and war.
She is the Egyptian cat goddess.
Tefnut is the Egyptian goddess of the water. She is also the goddess of ferteninty.
Idon't think there is a god of war. The God of War is Mentu ---------------------------------------------------- Staples44: The Goddess of war was Sekhmet, usually depicted as a Lioness with the head of a woman. The Goddess of Healing was Serqet.
Nut was the Egyptian sky goddess.
Sekhmet was a Egyptian goddess of fire and war. Sekhmet was the altered form of Hathor and titled "Eye of Ra".