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Zeus was.

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Q: Who was the chief god god of the sky rain and lightning?
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Who was the Roman god of rain thunder and lightning?

Jupiter is the same as Zeus and he is the god of the sky and lightning

What is some interesting information about Zeus?

Zeus Is the king of all gods. He is the god of the sky, rain, and lightning.

Who is the god or goddess of lightning?

according to greek mythology Zeus is the god of sky and rain god. so he can make a thunderbolt or lightning whenever he likes.This answer is incorrect. The greek goddess of lighting was Astrape. She was a handmaiden to Zeus.Zeus

What god of Zeus Explain?

Zeus was the king of the gods in Greek mythology. He was the god of the sky, lightning, and thunder. Zeus was known for his supreme power and authority over the other gods and mortals.

Who is the greek god of lightning?

Zeus and he also was the god of the sky

Who is the chef god of Olympians?

Supposing you were trying to ask 'Who is the CHIEF god of the Olympians', then the answer would be Zeus, the god of the sky, whose symbol of power is the lightning. Zeus is known for his short temper and quick wrath.

What was Sumer's chief god?

Anu, the sky god

What does the Greek god Zeus rule?

Lightning It is spelt Zeus and he was the God of the sky. Improved answer, Zeus (Roman name Jupiter) was the 'King' of the gods, ruler of Olympus, and the Olympian gods. Zeus was considered the god of the sky, air, weather and was also known as Lord of the Sky, Cloud - gatherer, Rain god and Thunderer and so his weapon is the thunderbolt and lightning hurled at anyone who displeased him. His bird is the eagle and tree an oak.

What Greek god controls lightning?

Zeus is the Greek god who controls lightning. He is known as the king of the gods and the god of the sky, lightning, and thunder.

Who was Zeus and what were his powers?

Good question! Zeus was the Greek god of the sky, thunder, and lightning. He was the son of Cronus and is the chief god in the Olympian Council. He can bring thunderstorms, lightning, and weather. All the Olympian gods are somehow related to Zeus. Zeus is by far the most important Greek god.

Who are Zeus' god of the sky rain and lightning grandkids?

Eros, known as Cupid in Latin, is a grandson of Zeus. His mother is Aphrodite, goddess of love and daughter of Zeus.

Who is Zeus in the book 'The Lightning Thief'?

He is the god of all gods and god of the sky?