If born means entered the comprehension of man, Neptune was born when the Roman religion adopted the Greek Pantheon, re-naming all the gods. Poseidon, the god of the sea, was given the name Neptune.
In ancient Greece the god of the Ocean was called Poseidon. In ancient Rome he was called Neptune.
Poseidon. Answer 2: Well, Poseidon was the Greek god. In Rome he was Neptunus (Neptune).
Poseidon was named before Neptune. Poseidon is the Greek god of the sea and was worshipped by ancient Greeks. The planet Neptune was discovered much later, in 1846, and was named after the Roman god of the sea, Neptune, who is equivalent to Poseidon in Greek mythology.
The Roman god Neptune was the god of the ocean. To befriend Neptune was to have safe passage across the dangerous seas. Neptune's mythology came from the Greek god of the sea, Poseidon.
The name of March comes from ancient Rome, when March was the first month of the year and named Martius after Mars, the Roman god of war.
In ancient Greece the god of the Ocean was called Poseidon. In ancient Rome he was called Neptune.
Neptune was the ancient Roman god of the sea. This god was borrowed from the ancient Greeks. The Greek equivalent of Neptune was Poseidon.
Erelus was the god of pure darkness in ancient Rome.
Poseidon. Answer 2: Well, Poseidon was the Greek god. In Rome he was Neptunus (Neptune).
Poseidon (Greek) Neptune (Roman)
It is Cupid
Osiris was an Egyptian god.
Poseidon is the Greek equivalent
The god is Neptune, king of the sea. But Neptune is not greek. The god of the sea in greek mythology is Poseidon. But Neptune it actually a roman god :P The Roman god Neptune is the same as the Greek god Poseidon, just with a different name. But the planet Neptune is named after the Roman version, not the Greek.