I believe the name Cephus is connected to the the king of the Ethiopians the Greeks called Cepheus/Cephias and that Perseus saved the king's daughter Andromeda from a sea serpent/dragon ravaging the Ethiopian coast. Perseus marries Andromeda and they found Mycenae and their son Perses is considered one of the ancestors of the Persians.
The Greeks named a constellation after Cepheus who in some accounts is said to be the son of Phoenix.
The ancient Egyptians show the Ethiopians as originally being of both white and black peoples. Just as the Egyptians have two Horus one white and one black.
There is also a tradition that Noah had children after the flood and the first son born was named Cephas. You can find reference to this in one of the sources in the Scandinavian Edda where the name is translated Seafas (check wikipedia for more sources under sons of Noah).
Noah and his wife were descendants of Enoch and his grand father Seth. So the lines surviving on the Ark were
Noah (Seth)/? wife (Seth) RED
Ham (Seth)/wife Egyptus (Cain), BLACK
Shem (Seth)/? wife (Able), WHITE
Japeth (Seth)/?wife (Enoch line other than Noah) YELLOW
Cephas (Seth)/? wife(his sister so Seth). RED
Cephas was blanketed under Shem much the way Joseph of Egypt's other children were listed under either sons Manasseh or Ephraim. His descendants became known as the Mannai who's last king was Iranizu. Cephas was a Melchizedek or held the highest priestly order in his day the way Levi was Aaronic and lower priesthood in Moses day. Paul who was trained by Gamiel when he was Saul to take his place as chief Pharisee explains to the Pharisees in the book of Hebrews that Christ has by right of birth the Melchizedek royal priesthood. Much higher than the Aaronic priesthood.
According to some of the Hebrew Christian traditions Christ had a Persian as well as a Jewish line and that was why the Magi came to acknowledge him as king, creator, and high priest of the Magian line. Only Mede/Persian royalty were allowed to be Magian Priests and they had been taught of the Messiah or god of Light and Truth by Daniel the prophet (Zarathustra meaning Old Camel meaning old messenger) in Susa 500 years earlier. The Magi knew of this Messiah by the name of Mithras.
The Persian line came through Mary's father Joachim who was a descendant of Esther and Ashurhus or Artaxerxes and therefore Cyrus the Great who God calls his son, his shepherd, his anointed. So God evidently didn't have a problem with Median Persian heritage.
At the Coptic monastery of Wadi el Naturan in Egypt is a painting of Moses, Isaiah on one side of the angel Gabriel appearing to Mary and Ezekiel and Daniel on the other side, painted in the 300's. The first three prophets are dressed in robes and Daniel as a Persian in Mithric hat (often called Pythagrian) and Persian pants. All four hold open scrolls declaring their prophesy of an angel coming to a virgin to announce the birth of the Messiah. So as far back as that there was belief Daniel taught in Persia the birth of the Messiah or Mithras. Also in front of Mary is a small incense altar with a blue flame which is very Mithric.
In John Chapter 8:48 the Pharisees accuse Jesus of being a Samaritan which he doesn't deny but addresses only the accusation he has a devil in him. "Say we not well thou art a Samaritan..." In other words say we not well you have a Persian line as well as Jewish like the Samaritans? Also despite many modern groups speculating on other places than Israel that Jesus may have lived or taught in the only other actual documented place was Samaria which apparently Christ lumped in with his claim to have "only" taught the Israelites during his ministry and left the rest of the world to his disciples to teach.
The back ground of the name "Joachim" is rather interesting. One of Solomon's pillars on the Temple was named Joachim and the other Boaz. We know Boaz was the father of Jesse, the father of King David. But who was the Joachim important enough to be given the other pillar. For being such an important name it is no where mentioned in the king James version of The Bible. Yet these are the two supports of the temple and house of Jehovah when he visits. The name of Joachim doesn't seem to show up until being the grandfather of Jesus. But if Boaz is realted to David and David to Christ would not the other name be as well? And if Boaz is the Davidic line whos is Joachim's if not Davidic or Juda? Yet the name shows up in other Jewish/Christian writings as a progenitor and a Persian who converts to marry Anna and become the parents of Mary.
{Joachim's Persian line back to Cyrus the Great also later involves the Sassanid royal emblem of the blue feathered serpent which is mentioned as far back as to Agnamemnon, King of Mycenae (of the fall of Troy fame), emblem of a blue feathered serpent on his belt. A Mycenae connection going back to Perses and the Persians and why in Christ's day and later the Persians are using the same emblem.
A blue feathered serpent also is portrayed in many Medieval European paintings as one of the pillars of the temple instead of a regular pillar. Also in other pictures is shown a blue feathered serpent having Christ on the Cross or holding Christ holding a small cross coming out of its mouth as if being born of it. This is also the emblem of the Sforza and Visconti families of Tuscany and is called a Biscone. Again a very long story}
Christ used many double or triple meanings in some of his statements to the Pharisees (also spelled Farsi's for the Jews that practiced the Babylonian Jewish Kabala and the Faris or Fairies of the Persian colony in Ireland from the 400's AD Sassanid/Saxon subgroup period who's original homeland was Fars/Persia).
The most famous double meaning being "tear down this temple and in three days I will rebuild it"...meaning his body not the literal temple.
As an aside, the Grail story stems from the Sassa Persian period and is called Parzival which means Persian Fate? Why would one of the most important stories of Europe be called "Persian" fate? Again my entire answer to that would take many pages.
In a nut shell, in 1207 Wolfram Eschenbach tells of his Lord Kayot (William of Orange/Nassau) finding and buying the record of the Grail story in Toledo Spain and that story starts in the 400's. The man Kayot bought it from had had a Jewish mother and "pagan" father who offered incense to a calf of Jupiter. I interpret this as a man who believed in Mithras and here is why. Emperor Marcus Aurilius belonged to the Mithras religion and held the highest title of that order called a Father of Fathers. Historians claim he was a Stoic because of his attitudes towards food, pain, feelings, and work but his life describes a follower of Mithras as well. The fact he was a Father of Fathers means he was very Mithric. However in his day the old Roman religion still prevailed in Rome if not the Army and he was required to burn incense to these gods for political reasons. He chose Jupiter because he was considered "Father" of the gods and closest to his own beliefs of the Order of the Fathers. Also his Mithric altar would have shown Mithras slaying a white bull another symbol of Jupiter. Other officers followed suit.
Also Kayot had to learn a "pagan" language to read the grail record he bought.
As most people know the grail story is connected to Christ's story and that evidently has a strong Persian foundation through the house of Anjou or the Ange family of Trebisond (Jason and the Golden Fleece land) and the descendents of the Medes.
Back to double meanings...for instance the term "Son of Man" Christ applied to himself was understood by the Pharisees as his being a descendant of the Mannai absorbed by the Medes who in turn were absorbed by the Persians. The Pharisees never challenged this claim but what Christ was also really saying was that he was the son of Man meaning God the Father who one of his names is Man of Holiness. Later Christ got blunt and called himself the son of God which he had been saying all along with his Son of Man statement and the Pharisees freaked out and screamed blasphemy. Christ called the Pharisees the Sons of Men which was also a play on words as Men/Min was an pagan Egyptian bull god of Egypt. He made it clearer in Chapter 8 of the Gospel of John when he says to them I am from above, you are from below, I do the work of my father and you do the work of your father who was a murderer and liar from the beginning.
I.E their father was the same golden calf their ancestors worshiped in the Exodus. He accused them of being as guilty as their ancestors for killing prophets.
Like wise the "title" Cephas/Cephus/Cepheus" has quite a background. Christ often taught something then said "those who have ears hear and those who have eyes see" which means more was being said then understood by the general listeners but those in the know would fully understand the deeper meanings.
The title Cephas went way beyond the term stone or rock... it meant an actual special ancestor that belonged to Peter as much as it did to Jesus.
The apostle Simon was a Galliean who were known for mixed lineages and held in contempt by the "purebreds" in Jerusalem. So Jesus who was about to attend his last Passover and fulfill his destiny of at-one-ment on the cross he then transfers the title of "the Cephas" to his priestly heir. He doesn't just say here is a new name but says You Are Cephas or you are THE Cephas or head of the Melchisdek order while Peter lives. Which by the way Peter never transferred during his life time and left all the Christian leadership no higher then a bishop Aaronic level and all these bishops scrambling to establish who is the next man in charge. Why?. When Christ clearly established the method of transfer when Peter, James, and John were invited into the cloud to converse with Moses, Christ, and Elias and the keys to seal things on heaven and on earth given on the Mt. of Transfiguration. Again a long answer.
The Melchisdek or Priesthood of the Meleks (kings) also tie into the later Sassanids but no room here to go into all the connections.
The Greeks who later translated the scriptures into Greek didn't get the significance of the Cephas title and went with the term stone or Petros little stone without understanding the deeper meaning.
Noah had named his 4th son Cephas...The Rock... and from this rock the Mannai would come the Messiah (which also coinsides with the story of Mithras emerging or born of a rock). By the time the prophesy of the god of light and truth coming as a god/mortal from the line of Cephas reached Christ's day it had been warped and degraded beyond recognition into pagan myth. However, the Mithric Roman Centurions converted almost entirely over to Christ being Mithras by 313 and Constintine's day. Three Centurions in the New Testament proclaim he is the Son of God and the understanding of Christ as Mithras is documented on the walls of Duras-Europa in Syria. Though actually born in the spring the Centurians keep winter soltice as the symbol of the god of light. Going from the darkest day into the increasing light. With the birth of Christ/Mithras came the increasing light.
So some of the multiple meanings of Christ saying "Upon this rock I build my church" are....
A. Upon this rock (Cephas- the Melchizedek Priesthood) I build my church.
B. Upon this rock ( revelation) I build my church (in context of the whole episode of Peter declaring Christ as Messiah by the Holy Spirit)
C. Upon this rock (Peter - as his priestly heir to chief authority over the 12) I build my
D. Upon this rock (earth) I build my church. According to the gospel of John, in the New Testament, in all the worlds without end this was the only time and only place the Father "begat" a son not in the dust from the earth Adam format. So the Church of the Son, which had a spiritual existence from even before the earth was formed, was now given a mortal body or physical space on this tiny third rock from the Sun.
All four meanings are correct at the same time just by the term rock.
In 1Peter 2:9 Peter tells the Jews (not the Levites or gentiles but Jews) living scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia (old Mede/Mithric lands) that they are not just royal by descent from David but have a an actual right to a royal "priesthood" or quote "But ye are the chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light."
The Jews at Christ's day only knew of or acknowledged the Levite tribe to have any priesthood rights but Paul and the disciples learned otherwise and declared it. The Magi knew it and threw themselves down at the feet of a two year old who was their Shahenshah or King of Kings. They understood who and what Jesus was. The term Je-sus meaning Jehovah of water or Jehovah saves by water ie. baptism and Living Water. The -sus part coming from the term used by the Egyptian princess when she took Mo (servant) -ses/sus (of the water.)
The chosen generation meant that finally there was a generation to see a major prophesy of the past fulfilled in their day and they were to be the generation brought back to who they are and what they are that had been lost. It became their job to proclaim this fulfillment and restored this information and pass it on.
I know someone can change this answer but if you don't agree just put it in a new section below and why you think the way you do that way it will leave the reader both sides to compare and not left wondering what is going on. thanks...Hooked on History
She was a Greek princess, daughter of King Pelias. She was rescued by Hercules from Hades.
Hephaestus was rescued by Thetis. She took him in as one of her own.
In Greek mythology, Prometheus was rescued from his torment by the hero Heracles.
Hercules saved Theseus the king of athens
Andromeda, daughter of King Cephus and Queen Cassiopeia.
Moses was rescued by the pharaoh's daughter when he was placed in the Nile River in a basket as a baby. She found him and raised him as her own.
Cold Comfort (1989)
The Pharaoh's daughter Thermuthis (Bithiah), who discovered him while she was bathing. He was then adopted into the Royal Family.
The baby Moses was rescued by the Pharaohs daughter, as she came for a bath in the river, Moses means taken from the river.
Simple subject: man Simple predicate: was rescued
Perseus rescued Cepheus's daughter Andromeda from being sacrificed to a sea monster by using Medusa's head to turn the monster to stone.
She was a Greek princess, daughter of King Pelias. She was rescued by Hercules from Hades.
No one "worships" Cephus. Cephus in Greek mythology was the King of Aethiopia, most famous for being Perseus' father-in-law. Perseus was (as a son of Zeus) a demigod, but Cephus was "just some guy"... admittedly a king, but other than that, nothing really special.