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Saint Augustine.

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Q: Who was the most influential philosopher of the early medieval period?
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What was the most accurate comparison of the early medieval period in Europe compared to the preceding period?

Early medieval Europe was characterized by less stability and progress.

Which 4 things were discovered in the early Medieval Period?

Science, Mathematics, Philosophy, and Literature are 4 of the things that flourished during the early medieval period.

Why was much of the music of the early medieval period created?

for Religious purposes

What is Saint Hilda patron saint of?

Saint Hilda is the patron saint of learning, culture, and poetry. She was an influential figure in the propagation of Christianity in northern England during the early medieval period.

How did new kingdoms emerge in the beginning of the early medieval period?

by the form of democracy

What is the time period of the Medieval Times?

The medieval times date from the 5th century ( fall of the western roman empire) to the 16th century in the beginning of the early modern period.

Jonathan has just survived the Viking invasion of 787 CE During which period is he living?

This would be the Early Medieval Period, also known as the Dark Age

Are the Middle Ages the same time period as the Roman and Early Medieval Times?

Most people who talk of Roman times are referring to the period of the Roman Empire ending with the fall of the West Roman Empire in the 5th century. This happened before the Middle Ages began. The word medieval means the same as Middle Ages, so the early medieval times are the same as the Early Middle Ages, but that is only part of the Middle Ages.

What contributions did Confucius make towards literature?

he was a philosopher. he was an early philosopher.

What was the Time period from 476 to 1000?

The time period from 476 to 1000 AD is known as the Early Middle Ages in European history. It was a period characterized by the decline of the Western Roman Empire, the spread of Christianity, the emergence of feudalism, and the beginning of the medieval period. This period also saw the rise of powerful medieval kingdoms and the Viking Age.

How did art change in medieval times?

Art did change in the Medieval times because of the emergence of the early Renaissance period.

Who was an early Church leader as well as a philosopher of his day?

St Augustine was the most important early Catholic theologian and a Neo-Platonist philosopher.