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Theia - Titan goddess of sight and shining light of the clear blue sky.

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Q: Who was the mother of Helios?
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Who was Phaëthon's mother?

Clymene was Phaethon's mother. His father was Helios, or the Sun.

Who is Helios wife's name?

In Greek mythology, Helios's wife's name is Perseis. She is commonly known as Perse, a titaness and the mother of their four children.

Who was Phaëthon's father?

Phaëthon's father was Helios, or the Sun. His mother was Clymene.

Is zeus god of the sky father to Helios god of the sun?

The mother of Zeus was Rhea, his father was Kronos: both children of Gaea and Uranus - and siblings of Hyperion and Theia - the father and mother of Helios. Thus, they are cousins.

Why does Phaethon go to the palace of the sun?

To confirm his mother's tale that he is the son of Helios.

Who is the Greek goddess of the sun?

The Greek goddess of the sun is Helios. Helios is often depicted driving a chariot drawn by fiery horses across the sky, bringing light and warmth to the world.

How did Alexander Helius and Cleopatra meet?

Cleopatra and Alexander Helios met at his birth. Cleopatra was his mother.

Did Helios have a wife?

The oceanid Perse was the mother of some of his children - wife or lover, I don't know.

Who was Helios's parents?

Hyperion his father and Theia (also called Euryphaessa, Ikhnaie, and Aethra) his mother.

In The Odyssey who is Kirke's father?

Helios. Her mother is Perse, daughter of Okeanos, and her brother's name is Aeetes.

Can normal Helios become turbine Helios?

No, turbine Helios has a special mechanism that Helios doesn't. This mechanism is powered by a ripcord and spins the turbine Helios.