The Greek god Apollo was the god that Delphi was dedicated to. Apollo killed a serpent Python there and the Greeks held the Pythian Games every four years to commemorate this.
Apollo's Oracle was located in Delphi, so he became the patron in order to look after it.
There is no Greek God or Goddess of Teachers, officially, but Athena was the Goddess of knowledge and could be considered the patron Goddess of teachers AND students.
Athena the Greek goddess was patron of Athens, she was goddess of wise counsel, war, the defence of towns, heroic endeavour, weaving, pottery and other crafts.
usually the temple of a greek god or goddess was to sacrifice to that god or goddess on their holidays and to honor them if they were your patron god. The main temple of said god usually housed their acolyotes
Athena is considered the god of teaching because she is the goddess of wisdom thus making her The patron god of teaching.
Apollo was the patron god of the city of Delphi in ancient Greece. The city was home to the famous Oracle of Delphi, where Apollo was believed to communicate his prophecies through the priestess Pythia.
Apollo's Oracle was located in Delphi, so he became the patron in order to look after it.
He was the patron of Delphi.
Zeus was the patron God of Olympia.
Apollo. Well he's a god not a goddess and he controlled the Oracle of Delphi which is the most famous.
Zeus and Athena, the goddess of wisdom.
The Greek Goddess Athena was a goddess of handicrafts. Athena-Ergane was a patron goddess of pottery. Egyptian god Khnum was another patron god of pottery There is also a patron SAINT of potters; Saint Spyridon.
There is no Greek God or Goddess of Teachers, officially, but Athena was the Goddess of knowledge and could be considered the patron Goddess of teachers AND students.
delphi was the first goddess and that is why the temple of delphi was named to honor her
Athena the Greek goddess was patron of Athens, she was goddess of wise counsel, war, the defence of towns, heroic endeavour, weaving, pottery and other crafts.
Patron goddess of: the dead, funerals, the house, and women.
There is no "god of babies". Hera was the patron goddess of Mothers. That's as close as it gets.