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Ramses the second

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Ramses II

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Q: Who was the pharaoh who made peace with the Hittites?
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Pharaoh that made peace with the hittites?

Ramses the great made a treaty with the hittites

A pharaoh who made peace with hittites?

Ramses II

Pharaoh who made peace with the Hittites?

Ramses II

What pharaoh made peace with Hittites?

There were several treaties between the Hatti and Egypt. The most famous one was a lasting treaty between pharaoh Rameses II and labarna Hattusili III. Parts of the treaty can be seen on reliefs at Karnak Temple in Luxor.

First peace treaty signed?

The pharaoh Ramses the Great and Hittites signed the worlds first peace treaty. *The peace lasted until the Hittite empire collapsed around 1190 B.C.E.

What pharaoh the Hittites?

Ramses the Great

What pharaoh defeated the hittites?

Ramses the Great

What did Ramses II do after claiming victory over the hittites?

made a peace treaty with them then stopped expanding Egypt

Who Pharaoh who fought the Hittites for many years?

Ramses the Great who ruled Ancient Egypt.

Who were the people who defeated Ramses?

The Hittites. Ramses the second negotiated the first known peace treaty in the world history with the Hittites.

The people who defeated by Ramses?

The Hittites. Ramses the second negotiated the first known peace treaty in the world history with the Hittites.

Peace treaty between the Hittites and the Egyptians?

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