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He was the son of Poseidon and a mortal woman.

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Q: Who was theseus in the maze myth related to?
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What was the island that theseus landed on?

In the myth, after Theseus killed the minotaur, came out of the maze, and sailed away with Ariadne back to Athens, he lands on the island of Naxos.

How is 'Pacman' related to Greek mythology?

The maze in Pacman is similar to the Labyrinth in which the Minotaur resided in Greek mythology. This was in the myth of Theseus, who killed the Minotaur and escaped from the Labyrinth with the help of Ariadne.

Is Theseus and the Minotaur a myth?

It's a myth!!

Where did the myth of theseus come from?

The Gods

Who helped Theseus get out of the labrynth?

minosthe daughter of minos helped theseus defeat the monitaur

Is Theseus and the Minotaur a myth or ledgand?

It is just a famous myth that most people know.

What is the name of the Greek myth with the minotaur?

Theseus and the minotaur.

How was Theseus born?

This is a myth, so the "date" is not much of a realistic answer, because it never existed. However, this myth was written in the mid- 4th century, to the 5th century, when it was revised.( To make it more enhanced) The myth states that "King Theseus" was 'born' into mythology (sentence 2).

Which creature was killed by Theseus in the labyrinth on Crete?

Theseus kills a few creatures in Greek myth, but the most famous is the Minotaur.

How is bellerophon and pegasus related to theseus?

They are Theseus' brothers.

In early greek myth what creature did theseus kill?


What is the oldest myth about Theseus that we have read or viewed?

The oldest myth about Theseus that we have read or viewed is likely the story of his slaying of the Minotaur in the Labyrinth of Crete, as depicted in ancient Greek literature and art.