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Stheno, Euryale and Medusa (all female).

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Q: Who were the 3 strongest Gorgons in Greek mythology?
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How many gorgons were there in Greek mythology?

The 3 Gorgons were Medusa and her two sisters. Their hair was a tight bundle of snakes, and Medusa was so terrifying, that, according to legend, she would freeze men in stone just by looking right at them. Perseus defeated Medusa by looking at her in a bronze mirror so he wouldn't be turned to stone..

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Why it is three in Greek myth?

3 is a magic (or holy) number, not only in Greek mythology. Clink link below! Especially the section 'In religion and mythology.

What are Zeus' 3 children in Greek mythology?

apollo, artemis and demeter

Who were the Titans and name at least 3 from greek mythology?

See the link provided!

A sentence with mythology?

Below are example sentences for mythology: 1.) The professor for our Greek Mythology class was unforgettable because she dressed like Athena herself. 2.) Neptune is the god of the sea in Roman mythology and Poseidon is the god of the sea in Greek mythology. 3.) Some of the most popular athletic shoes in the world are named after Nike, the goddess of victory in Greek Mythology.

What are the 3 Greek fates?

The three fates in ancient greek mythology were: Κλωθώ (Klotho), Λάχεσις (Lakhesees) and Άτροπος (Atropos).

How do you compare and contrast science fiction and Greek mythology?

Type your answer here... Answer these qustions: Is Greek Mthology fiction? Is Greek myhtology Related to Sience?. Answer them with a paragraph and try to add 3 differnces and 3 things that are the .

Who has three apples in greek mythology?

in one of Hercules's labours he got 3 golden apples from the Hesperides Garden

What are 3 hopes for Greek mythology?

They're actually the three fates and they decide people's destiny. the 3 sisters Lachesis, Atropos & Clotho

What does 3 equals G M S and E mean?

3 Gorgons (Medusa, Stheno and Euryale)

Who is the flying demon in Greek mythology?

It could be a lot of things. But most likely it is a Fury. There is 3 of them. They all work for Hades.