The Nereids were their daughters.
In ancinet Greek mythology, Nereus was the prophetic and shapeshifting "old man of the sea"; by his wife Doris, daughter of Oceanus and Tethys, he had fifty daughters called the Nereids. Nereus was son of Pontus and Gaea.
Thetis is a Greek goddess, the daughter of Nereus and Doris is called a Nereid.
Amphitrite is one, Thetis another. The whole gang is called nereids.
If her father IS Nereus and her mother is Doris her grandfather by Nereus would be the sea god Pontos; on her mothers side it would be Oceanus. If however, her father IS Oceanus and her mother is Tethys, her grandfather in both sides would be Ouranus primal god of heaven.
The nereids. (e2020)
The Nereids were their daughters.
Psamathe, Neso, Laomedeia, Sao, Halimede, Galatea, and Nereid are all moons of Neptune, and Nereids (daughters of Doris and Nereus).
In ancinet Greek mythology, Nereus was the prophetic and shapeshifting "old man of the sea"; by his wife Doris, daughter of Oceanus and Tethys, he had fifty daughters called the Nereids. Nereus was son of Pontus and Gaea.
The daughter of Nereus and Doris named after a moon is Neried Thetis.
There are only fifty (50) Nereids, the daughters of Doris and Nereus.
The Nereids, Amphitrite is queen of the sea and wife of Poseidon, Thetis is thier leader and mother of Achilles.
There are two goddesses who can claim fifty daughters: Selene, Titan goddess of the Moon, her fifty daughters the Menai by Endymion. Doris, wife of the sea-god Nereus, and the mother of the fifty Nereides.
The Nereids, Amphitrite is queen of the sea and wife of Poseidon, Thetis is thier leader and mother of Achilles.
The Nereids, Amphitrite is queen of the sea and wife of Poseidon, Thetis is thier leader and mother of Achilles.
Doris and Nereus OR Tethys and Oceanus.
Thetis was born by Doris from Nereus.