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The Greek Gods were a series of deities in the Ancient Greek Religion, as well as Ancient Greek Mythology. They did several things, based around their realm of control, such as Poseidon and the seas, Zeus and the skies, as well as Athena and battle strategy/wisdom.

From Mythological Writings of the Ancient Greeks, we understand what the deities were and what, in the stories and epics, they did.

Greek Gods were mythological immortals with awesome power that ancient Greeks believed to controll life on Earth. They were thought to have lived on Mt. Olympus- a very tall mountain. There were many, many gods that the Greeks worshipped. There were minor gods, whose power had very little effect or influence on Greek life. And there were 12 Olympian gods who were considered important. The 12 Olympians are:

  • Zeus- the god of lightning, weather, and king of gods
  • Poseidon- the god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses
  • Hera- the goddess of marriage and childbirth, and the wife of Zeus
  • Athena- goddess of wisdom, battle strategy, and the arts, and the patron goddess of Athens
  • Hephaestus- god of blacksmithing, fire, and volcanoes
  • Aphrodite- goddess of love and beauty, and the wife of Hephaestus
  • Ares- the God of War and the boyfriend of Aphrodite
  • Demeter- the goddess of fertility
  • Dionysus- the god of wine
  • Apollo- the god of prophecy, medicine, healing, music, the sun, revenge, justice, and poetry
  • Artemis- the goddess of the moon, hunting, wild animals, and the wilderness, the twin sister of Apollo
  • Hermes- the god of travelers, thieves, and the messenger of the gods

Hestia, goddess of the hearth, was given a throne. But when Dionysus was throned, she stepped down because she believed that 7 gods and 6 goddesses, all Olympians, would create war among the gods. All of the gods worked together to controll life on Earth and to keep a balance of order and chaos. Greeks could pray to their gods, visit their temples, or offer sacrifices but always took great care in honoring them out of fear of being punished in the underworld.

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15y ago

they keep the peace and take care of their part. example: zues-sky artemis-the hunt and so on.

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16y ago

They influenced all areas of human life. The same as God does to Christian people.

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