They were soldiers. After the Trojans opened their city wall to bring the wooden horse in, the soldiers came out and captured the city, ending the ten-year Trojan War.
Trojan Horse was hollow and some of the Greeks were hidden inside. The Trojans thought the Greeks had left. So they demolished part of the walls of Troy and took the Trojan horse inside the city. They had a feast to celebrate their enemies departure and when they slept the Greeks came out.
The Greeks .
The greeks builded the Trojan Horse and had the mightiest warriors hide inside of it while the rest waited at sea. Than at night the warriors came out if the Trojan Horse and started to destroy troy while the people at sea came to help the greeks.
The Greeks
The Trojan Horse
In the Trojan War? The Trojan Horse, in which the Greeks hid.
The Greeks first used the Trojan horse to raze the city of Troy
The Trojan Horse was a very successful distraction to allow the Greeks to infiltrate the town of Troy. The Trojan Horse was used during the Trojan war.
Trojan Horse was hollow and some of the Greeks were hidden inside. The Trojans thought the Greeks had left. So they demolished part of the walls of Troy and took the Trojan horse inside the city. They had a feast to celebrate their enemies departure and when they slept the Greeks came out.
the Greeks
The Greeks
The Greeks .
The greeks builded the Trojan Horse and had the mightiest warriors hide inside of it while the rest waited at sea. Than at night the warriors came out if the Trojan Horse and started to destroy troy while the people at sea came to help the greeks.
The Greeks tricked the Trojan's during the Trojan War by making the Trojan horse and hiding inside till everyone was sleeping. Then they jumped out and took the city.
The story of the Trojan Horse resulted in the admonition to beware of Greeks bearing gifts.
hid in a Trojan horse
The Greeks