for avoid a battle between two armies.
There are two epics of Homer, The Odyssey and The Iliad. The Iliad describes the battle of Troy. The Odyssey takes place after the battle and follows Odysseus's trials and voyage home.
He was on the side of the Trojans
He had to go fight in the battle of Troy.
He didn't single handedly cause the fall of troy, but he did fight in the battle. all of the Greeks together with much help from Achilles caused the fall of troy
for avoid a battle between two armies.
The Hutu's and the Tutsi's
me and you in the toilet!!
the Loyalists and the Patriots
the answer is Mexico and the Americans
Greeks versus Persians .
The Union Army & The Confederate Army
The battle of Troy took place in the city of Troy. The battle began outside of the cities walls, however the Greeks were able to sneak into the city by hiding in large wooden horse.
Odysseus was there. Achilles was there. Troy lost. Troy got wiped off the map. Hector dies.
He was apart of the battle of Troy