The Battle of Plataea was a decisive victory for the Greeks.
There is a link to an article below for more information.
Plataia was a battle in the 50 year Persian War. A coalition of Greek city-states defeated a Persian expeditionary force in the battle.
479 BCE.
A day.
Athens and Plataea .
The Battle of Plataea was a decisive victory for the Greeks. There is a link to an article below for more information.
Greece and Persia and Greece won
Battle of Plataea happened in -479.
Near the city of Plataea in central Greece.
The Battle of Thermopylae: The Persians won the Battle of Thermopylae against the Spartans, but it was a Pyrrhic Victory. The Battle of Salamis: This Naval Battle was critically won by the Athenians against the Persians. The Battle of Plataea: This Battle was won by the Alliance of Greek City States against the Persians.
Plataia was a battle in the 50 year Persian War. A coalition of Greek city-states defeated a Persian expeditionary force in the battle.
the greek
A day.
An alliance of southern Greek cities led by Sparta, which defeated the invading Persian army and its Greek allies.
With their cavalry.
479 BCE.
A day.