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The gods or sometimes a pharaoh.

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Q: Who would the people of Egypt blame if crops did not grow or if disease struck ancient Egypt?
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What did people die of in ancient Egypt?

Disease or animals that roamed the desert such as poisionious snakes.

Who did the people of Egypt blame if the crops did not grow and disease struck?

The ancient Egyptians believed that if the crops did not grow and disease struck, it was the result of being punished by the gods for wrongdoings or not properly performing rituals and ceremonies. They often blamed themselves or their community for displeasing the deities.

Who did the people of Egypt blame if crops did not grow or if disease struck?

They would blame the lower classes and the gods.

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what did the royalty people do in ancient egypt

Who would the people of Egypt blame if the crops did not grow or if disease struck?

They would blame the lower classes and the gods.

Who would the people of Egypt blame if the crops did not grow or disease struck?

They would blame the lower classes and the gods.

Who invented air cooling system in ancient Egypt?

ancient Egypt people

What type of minerals were mined in ancient Egypt?

some of the people that lived there they are called ancient egypt people

Where did the Ancient Egypt people live?

the ancient Egypt live next to the Nile Rive

Who built the home in ancient Egypt?

the people Slaves of the pharoahs were used. Many of them buried in the walls, as they dropped dead from disease, starvation, exhustion.

What was the sword in ancient Egypt used for?

The sword in ancient Egypt was used to kill people in battles.

Who are the ancient people that originally lived in Egypt?

Ancient Egyptians.