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Edith Hamilton collected and compiled summaries of the Greek and Roman (and some Norse) myths into a compact volume, Mythology. It was published in 1942 and remains a portable, standard reference among students who wish to learn the mythologies of the ancient world.

But if you think of mythology in general, nobody wrote it. Ancient people viewed the working of the world, and tried to explain that. Because of the fact, they didn't have so much experience and scientific knowledge, that we have nowdays, they tried to understand things on their level, and named every force in the nature, who became the gods and goddesses. By analyzing their world, they drew some conclusions, and guessed the circumstances. And these myths became 'scientific' tales for the ancient people.

The collective noun of myths is mythology, which describes not only the working of the nature, but answers on those type of questions why do wars exsist, why happened this and that with people, etc. Mythology doesn't have plural. It only has, if you speak about the culture of different nations. For example: Thor was the god of thunders in the Norse mythology; Zeus was the god of tunders in the Greek mythology. In these mythologies, main gods were the gods of thunders.

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15y ago

It is a myth- it had been passed down through generations. There is no specific person who wrote the myth- it's like saying, "Who came up with all the stories in The Bible?" Christians believe that they were real- not made up. Same with the Greeks. They believe it was truth, not a written story.

Actually, Hercules is a Roman Hero/God.

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16y ago

they were imagitive and capable of telling stories that have lasted for thousands of years

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8y ago

Nemesis Answer 2: No, it was the Greek writer Hesiodos.

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14y ago

No one invented mythology. "Mythology" is just the name given to a religion that no one believes in any more. Most myths originate from truth though.

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Ancient Greeks.

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Nobody knows.

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Greek Mythology or Greek Myth.

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