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They governed ancient Egypt. They were taken to be sons of gods and goddesses. They conquered large areas of the Middle East. They were important for developing the country's agriculture and economy.

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The people thought of the pharaohs as living gods.

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15y ago

They run all of Egypt; they are just as important as Kings ruling over a country, or the President running the United States.

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The pharaohs were important to the Egyptians because they were their rulers. A Pharaoh was also considered a living god, and was revered as such.

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Was the connection with the gods so important to the Pharaohs?

Pickles r 4 NIGGARS

What was most important purpose of the pyramids?

They pyramids were made to house the bodies of the pharaohs with all the things they needed in the afterlife. Later, tombs were created in the Valley of the Kings for the pharaohs and this was where Tut was found.

Why did people make pyramids for pharaohs?

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