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Generally Egyptian society was ruled by men, but there were indeed a few woman Pharaohs; the most famous of which was Hatshepsut

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Q: Why couldn't a woman be a Pharaoh?
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Was Hatshepsup a Egyptian Pharaoh?

Yes, Hatshepsut is an Egyptian pharaoh. She was the first woman to be a pharaoh, but she had to dress like a man because the egyptians thought that woman shouldn't be pharaoh's.

Hatshepsut was the first Pharaoh who did what?

Hatshepsut was a woman. She was the first woman to assume the full powers of a pharaoh.

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Woman couldnt vote in Athens because, only people with land can vote. Woman couldnt own land, thus, not being allowed to vote :)

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Yes they were. They could own their own property and have there own buisness. There was even a woman pharaoh. Her name was Hatshepsut. She was the first woman pharaoh. There was also another woman pharaoh named Cleopatra.

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♥Cleopatra was the first Egyptian woman to becoem a pharaoh!!!♥ answered by shanikwa tomlinson Cleopatra wasn't the first woman pharaoh.. The very first known woman to assume the role of pharaoh was Queen HATSHEPSUT. And Cleopatra was the LAST pharaoh.

Who was the first Egyptian women?

♥Cleopatra was the first Egyptian woman to becoem a pharaoh!!!♥ answered by shanikwa tomlinson Cleopatra wasn't the first woman pharaoh.. The very first known woman to assume the role of pharaoh was Queen HATSHEPSUT. And Cleopatra was the LAST pharaoh.

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Because she was blind (and deaf).

Who was the first pharaoh that was a woman?

the first woman was hapshepsut *lovee you from boomboomimhere*

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Queen Sobeknefru, or perhaps a first dynasty pharaoh.