Alexander the great; his empire did everything but fail his empire is the largest empire in such short time in the world. He only had 32 years before he died and he did many extraordinary things in that time except it was after he died that the empire broke into pieces and fell apart.
Alexander died from malaria, when he died he said that his empire would go to the strongest military leader. However before he dies he never specified who that was. After Alexander died three of the strongest military leaders got together and decided to split the empire between them. The empire slowly separated and completely collapsed within a matter of years.
The empire did not fall. When Alexander died prematurely, there was no clear heir, and his generals divided the empire amongst them, establishing their own kingdoms in opposition to each other. This settled down to Egypt, Syria, Macedonia and Pergamon.
Alexander had no clear heir or successor. He had a handicapped brother and an unborn child to his Persian wife Roxane. It was arranged that when the child was born, the brother and child would jointly take on the rulership. However it didn't happen. Alexander's generals had been given provinces to govern, and these now took control and entered into war against each other. After the first war, the settlement was:
Antipater - European Greece - and regent of the Empire, with under his control king Arrhideus and the boy-king Alexander IV in Macedon.
Antigonus - Phrygia, Lycia, and Pamphylia and Lycaonia.
Ptolemy - Egypt
Lysimachus - Thrace
Seleucus - Babylonia
Peithon - Media
Antigenes - Susiana
After several more wars of succession and the murders of the two kings, the succession settled to:
Cassander - European Greece
Ptolemy - Egypt
Antigonis - Asia Minor
Seleucis - Syria and Mesopotamia.
The governors took the title of kings, and ruled their separate kingdoms (known as the Hellenistic kingdoms) and continued sporadically fighting each other. These kingdoms were progressively absorbed into the Roman Empire in the 2nd and 1st Centuries BCE.
Alexander the Great was the victim of a disease that caused his premature death. There was no clear procedure to replace Alexander and the vast amount of territories he conquered were taken over by rival generals in his army. With no structure these territories eventually became parts of the jurisdiction of badly trained administrators and generals. The Empire that Alexander quickly created, quickly became part of no structured government.
India he had Ambassadors to the kingdom of Cathay (China).
The Roman empire ruled Egypt after the death of Cloeopatra.
The Roman empire ruled Egypt after the death of Cleopatra.
Huayna's decision to have the empire divided after his death was so that his two son's could both rule after his death.
byzantine empire
Alexander conquered Egypt, Macedonia, and the Persian Empire.
Macedonian generals were fighting for control over his empire.
it does
their empire will get weaker
After Alexanders death, Macedonian generals were fighting for control over his empire. 3 leaders: Antigonnus, Ptolemy, and Selecus won control by becoming ruler of Macedonia Greek city-states, title of Pharaoh in Egypt, and controlling the Persian Empire
throughout Alexanders empire
Alexander conquered hi
From Libya to Central Europe - the same as the Persian Empire from whom he conquered/stole it.
Mainland Greece, and in Africa, Libya.