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because it was valueable

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Q: Why did Ancient Egypt import leopard skins?
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What did the ancient egyptians import?

Leopard skins, oil, eggs... giraffe tails

How did the ancient Egyptians feel about leopards?

They loved them! One of their gods was in the form of a leopard and the priests where often dressed in leopard skins - attractive or what?

What did the military of ancient Egypt wear?

they wore linen, or animal skins

Who wore fur in ancient Egypt?

Nobody wore fur the climate is far too hot. Animal skins were worn, some priests for example wore a leopard skin draped over one shoulder.

What raw materials did kush sell to Egypt?

Kush sent Gold, Pottery, Iron tools ,ivory tools ,Ivory ,leopard skins ,orchard feathers ,elephants and slaves to Egypt

What kinds of goods were ancient egyptians forced to trade for because they did not have the natural resources to make them?

They traded goods, slaves, and iron products for leopard skins and valuable wood.

How much money do you get for leopard skins in Africa?

$40,000 to $60,000

The Ancient Egyptians used to trade. What imports did they collect?

leopard skins, giraffe tails,monkeys,cattle,ivory, ostrich feathers and eggs, gold,oil. also they traded horses

What was Hatshepsut achievements?

She expanded trade routes and Egypt's economy grew significantly greatly during her rule. She sent trade ships down to Punt to trade for leopard skins, red woods, greyhounds, cheetahs, gold, ivory (elephant tusk), and ostrich feathers.

What are Egypt's imports and exports?

some of the exports are grain, papyrus, linen/flax, painted pottery and they import pepper, cinnamon, frankincense, ginger,iron, wine, nuts/figs, tin Egypt goods they exports are limestone, crops, fish, grain, papyrus, linen, painted pottery, jewelry, and bread. They imported leopard skins, giraffe tails, monkeys, cattle, ivory, gold, cedar, oils and unguents, ginger, iron, wine, nuts/figs, tin.

Did both the rich and the pour ware linen in ancient Egypt?

No. the poor Egyptians wore linen and rags, but the rich wore silks and expensive animal skins from other lands. ZL

What ancient instrument was made of animal skins?
