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They believed that they had been made in the gods' image, and so imagined the gods to look like them.

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Q: Why did Greeks made their gods in their own image?
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What do you know about greek gods?

The Greek gods were personifications of forces of nature and abstract ideals, like victory or sleep. They Greeks made the gods in their own image, giving them all-too-human personalities and traits (such as hubris, lust and jealousy).

Why did Greeks believe in Greek gods?

IT was their religion to beileven themBecause human beings have imaginations and the mind thinks about abstractions, such as "why are we here?" and "is there a God who created all this?" Since the answers to these questions are a mystery, people will tend to make up their own explanations to satisfy their need for comfort that they are not alone in the universe and that their existence has meaning. Different cultures at different times have come up with their own unique concept of God (or Gods, as the case may be). The Ancient Greeks made up a pantheon of gods that resembled mankind in their looks and attitudes.

Why did Poseidon have a roman name?

All the Greek gods and goddesses had Roman names,with the exception of Apollo and Calypso,maybe more.The Romans were intrigued with the Greek legends and stories,so they made up their own gods with close relations with the Greeks,but with different names.In case you didn't know,Poseidon's Roman counterpart is Neptune.=)

Who were the people from whom the Romans borrowed the idea of gods appearing in human form?

The Romans borrowed the idea of gods appearing in human form from the ancient Greeks. This concept is known as anthropomorphism, where gods are depicted with human characteristics and emotions. The Greeks believed that their gods could take on human form to interact with mortals, influence events, and intervene in the affairs of the world. This idea was later adopted and adapted by the Romans as they assimilated Greek culture and mythology into their own belief system.

Why was Neptune named Roman god of the sea the Greek version was Poseidon?

The Roman gods were there, with names and stories. When the Romans got closer contact with the Greeks, they found the the Greek gods were similar and incorporated some of the Greek stories into their own.

Related questions

What do you know about greek gods?

The Greek gods were personifications of forces of nature and abstract ideals, like victory or sleep. They Greeks made the gods in their own image, giving them all-too-human personalities and traits (such as hubris, lust and jealousy).

Why are there statues of greek gods which depict a human being but there was never a human found for instance Zeus?

According to Greek myth, when Prometheus made man, he wanted to give them a special gift. But his brother, Epimetheus, had given all the gifts to the other animals that had been made. So, Prometheus, knowing man was special, made him walk upright, in the image of the gods, and gave him fire, such as only the gods themselves could harness. So, the Greeks made statues of their gods in their own image, since if mankind was made to look like the gods, they must have the same form. The reality of it is that we create gods in our own image, and the Greek sculptors use the only form they knew, the human form, to represent their gods.

What Ways Did Greeks honor there gods-?

Greeks honoured their gods by conducting religious festivals and sacrifices, rituals and praying in temples.

What about did the ancient Greeks believe about where gods and goddesses lived and what they were like?

They put many on Mount Olympus. But there were many scattered around doing their special jobs. Then there were the hero-ancestors and the household gods belonging to individual families. Basically, they were like humans because that is how humankind has created gods. It was a case of not 'god created man in his own image' but 'man created god in his own image', which also applies today.

Why did Greeks believe in Greek gods?

IT was their religion to beileven themBecause human beings have imaginations and the mind thinks about abstractions, such as "why are we here?" and "is there a God who created all this?" Since the answers to these questions are a mystery, people will tend to make up their own explanations to satisfy their need for comfort that they are not alone in the universe and that their existence has meaning. Different cultures at different times have come up with their own unique concept of God (or Gods, as the case may be). The Ancient Greeks made up a pantheon of gods that resembled mankind in their looks and attitudes.

Does gods of Greek mythology have temples?

Yes the gods and goddesses have their own temples so Greeks could go and worship them and ask for help.

What do the Greeks believe?

They believed in their own mythological religion. It consisted of gods, goddesses, demons, titans, monsters, and titans

What are the images of God in the Bible?

Genesis 1 verse 26 says we are the created in gods own image.

What does it mean to be created in gods own image and likeness?

That we are very much like him, only we are very sinful.

Did all Ancient Greeks worship the same Gods as each other and why?

The Greeks believed in all of the gods and goddesses, while everyone had their own god that they worshipped the most. Farmers worshipped Demeter in hopes of a bountiful harvest. Warriors would worship Athena or Ares, so they could be great in battle.

Who's image are animals made in?

I'm guessing you are referring to the statement in the Bible in Genesis "God made man in his own image." We are not told if the animals are made in anyone's image.

What kind of sports did greek gods do as a sport?

The Greeks would probably think their gods did the same sports as they did. Other gods would have their own sports they govern. For example: Artemis was the goddess of the Hunt so her sport was hunting and archery.