Hera didn't hate Aeneas, per se. She was upset with Troy, and Aeneas was a Trojan. She sided with the Acheans against Troy because Paris chose to give the Golden Apple to Aphrodite rather than to her.
Hera or Juno.
Hera was his main opponent.
It was mainly Heracles she hated, but she wasn't nice in general so maybe.
Aphrodite hated Athena, Artemis and Hera. Athena, Hera and Aphrodite were in a beauty contest of sorts, and Aphrodite won. Thst, of course, is the short version of it.
Hera was the Roman goddess Juno, and also the patron goddess of Carthage under another name (Tanit). (Greeks and Romans considered that the gods were the same everywhere, but different cities worshiped them under different names). She was also patron of the city-states of Argos and Mycenae (and many other places). As Tanit / Juno - Hera attempted to impede Aeneas' escape from Troy to Italy;- knowing that Aeneas' descendants would found Rome, which would in time destroy her holy city of Carthage. The Aeneid has Juno as a major character, acting mainly as Aeneas' antagonist.
Hera or Juno.
She didn't. Heracles (that is his Greek name) was born to Zeus and a mortal woman. Hera hated him like she hated all of Zeus' illegitimate children.
Hera hated Hercules because Zeus, her husband, had Hercules with another woman.
She hated Aphrodite for flirting with Zeus
Hera was his main opponent.
Zeus had loved her. Hera was jealous. After he raped Callisto and she had a baby boy, she turned her into a bear.
Hera's weakness was that she was a powerful leader but she was married to Zeus.
Io (originally a beautiful girl who was turned into a cow).
It was mainly Heracles she hated, but she wasn't nice in general so maybe.
Aphrodite hated Athena, Artemis and Hera. Athena, Hera and Aphrodite were in a beauty contest of sorts, and Aphrodite won. Thst, of course, is the short version of it.