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Actually it was because Hera was jealous because Zeus had cheated on her and the lady gave birth to Hercules. So Hera made Hercules go mad and kill his family. After he did this he was saddened so he prayed to Apollo and he told Hercules to complete the 12 labors to make up for his crime.

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14y ago
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15y ago

Hercules was tricked into murdering his wife and children, and the twelve labors were his atonement for their killings.

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13y ago

Hercules had to do them because he killed his beloved family in madness as hera turned them into monsters.

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12y ago

because he knocked his children down from the god heaven

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To atone for the sin of killing his wife Megara and their three sons.

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13y ago

Hercules went mad and killed his children; the Delphic Oracle stated that he would have to preform the labors asked of him by King Eurystheus of Mycenae.

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12y ago

He worked really hard...

This is somewhat of a silly question unless you really meant to ask "What did Heracles do to complete each of the 12 labors?".

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Hercules' cousin, Eurystheus, was the king of Mycenae at the time Hercules was doing his labors. It was Eurystheus who sent Hercules on the labors.

How many labors did hecules have?

Hercules had 12 labors

How many labors did Hercules perform?

Herecules did twelve Labors.

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It was one of the Labors of Hercules

When was The labors of Hercules created?

The Labours of Hercules was created in 1947.

What did Hercules do that was amazing?

Hercules completed the legendary twelve labors.

What accomplishments did Hercules have?

The 12 labors

Did Hercules do the Twelve Labors?

Yes, he did.

How many pages does The labors of Hercules have?

The Labours of Hercules has 265 pages.

Performed 12 labors of penance?

Hercules, son of Zues, had to preform the 12 labors

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Hercules completed twelve labors, the last of which made him immortal.