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So that the royal blood would stay in the family and not be mixed with others which would be "impure".

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They married family members because they thought it kept the bloodline strong and it prevented them from stealing the throne.

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Q: Why did Pharaoh's marry their family members?
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Who can a pharaoh marry?

A pharaoh usually took at least one wife from his immediate family-sister, half-sister, daughter, cousin etc. They would usually become the pharaoh's chief wife. He would also take a number of lesser wives, some of who would be foreign princesses, some family members, some the daughters of nobles. The pharaoh would also have a harem.

Why did the pharaohs want such big pyramids to be buried in?

Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs wanted such big Pyramids because it was a sign of their power. They wanted everyone to know what they could do. Pharaohs were recognized as Gods in Ancient Egypt. So when they had massive structures the pharaohs wanted them to last for eternity. When they built them they forced everyone to work on them. It was an honor to help build a pyramid. Not only was it forced but only the kings highest members of the family were able to bury the pharaoh. The Pharaohs were buried with gold and all the necessities needed to live in their after life. So pretty much because they can and it shows how powerful they are the more unique and the bigger the higher a pharaoh was believed to be.:)

What are good questions about pharaohs?

* In order to become Pharaoh you had to be in the Royal family. The next in line was heir to the Throne. * Pharaohs were the highest in the government

Who is Echo the nymph's family members?

We usually know nothing about nymphs' families. They just exist.

What power did the pharaohs have?

The pharaohs had absolute authority. By Destiny Pecoraro

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How does a pharaoh chooses his wife?

The pharaohs would marry their girl family members or their daughters.

Do people marry family members in Samoa?

People don't marry relatives in Samoa.

Do gypsy people marry there family members?

No because Gypsy's can marry who they want to just like people.

Is it illgeal to marry someone you are related to?

Most state's (where incest is forbidden) do not allow you to marry direct family members.

How have members of the royal family served in the armed forces?

All of the male members who are born into the family are supposed to. However if you marry into the family you don't have to serve but can become honorary officers if the regiment decides.

How did pharaohs become pharaohs?

THey became Pharaohs by family, it gets past down by oldest to youngest.

How did the pharaohs children become pharaohs?

the family line would pass to them I THINK

How did the tombs of the pharaohs family members differ from those of the average Egyptian?

there tombs were bigger andd had many more vauleables than average egyptians did because they had more money and many more people in there family

Can a notary that is a family member marry us in SC?

It's always a really bad idea to notarize for family members. You can do it, but the document's strength will be weak if challenged.

What family members was Teddy Roosevelt close to?

Theodore Roosevelt was very close to Marry Poppins in fact, she is real, indeed she is.

What is a group of kings of pharaohs from the same family?


Is it illegal to marry family members?

Most locations place restrictions on how closely two individuals may be and still legally marry. You'd need to specify a location in order for us to give more precise information, but it's illegal to marry at least some family members almost everywhere, and likewise legal to marry at least some (distant) family members almost everywhere. In the US, the single biggest distinction between locations is probably whether or not it's legal to marry your first cousin. In nearly all places, it's illegal to marry anyone more closely related to you than that, and in nearly all places, it's legal to marry anyone more distantly related to you than that.