So that way they can learn and grow from mistakes, and because they were fascinated with the past.
Those who fail to learn from past history are doomed to repeat it.
The Greeks told myths to tell stories of the past or they used ledgends
Ancient Greeks often attempted to speak to the dead who knew all things in the past and future: Odysseus did this for advice.
Because the Greeks and Romans give off excellent information about us, and the way they lived back then. It educates us in very different ways including the past, how our government developed and ect.. As a matter of fact the creator of math was Greek... we use Roman and Greek objects everyday, such as doors, baths, door frames, fireplaces, ect..
In the ancient past the Greeks believe in what we today call "classic mythology", the Olympians: Hera, Zeus, Poseidon, Demeter, Apollo, Artemis, Dionysus, Aphrodite, Athena, Ares, Hermes, and Hephaestus. As well as others: today, many Greeks believe in God. There is, however, the revival of New Age "pagan" believes.
What did the ancient Greeks use cereal for?Note: Past tense, 't' is quite far from 'd'
Those who fail to learn from past history are doomed to repeat it.
Historians study and write about people and events of the past.
Archeologists study bones and things about the past that lead to ancient history.
Archeology is the study of remains from the past. This study allows you to see how cultures, or creatures developed or what help in their demise.
archeologists are the persons who study about the past with the help of the ancient ruins
Archeologists study things from the past such as ancient egypt and norse artifacts.
the study of the past life me is the key to the futrue
The Greeks told myths to tell stories of the past or they used ledgends
In its simplest terms archaeology is the study of prehistory and what we call ancient history based upon the discovery and study of physical remains. Archaeologists help us understand the past and thus may draw conclusions about why things are the way they are based on past history. For example, studying the remains of ancient Egypt in Thebes, can explain what life was like thousands of years ago and how Egyptian history affected the ancient world. From there one can possibly trace why and how events led to the domination of Egypt by Greeks and then to Romans.
Scientists study ancient bones to learn about past civilizations, human evolution, and the behavior and lifestyles of ancient populations. By analyzing ancient bones, scientists can reconstruct the diet, health, and genetic makeup of ancient individuals, shedding light on their anatomy, physiology, and cultural practices. This information helps us better understand the history and development of humanity.