Civilisation can only begin when there is enough prosperity to provide a surplus of produce to divert after providing subsistence. The river valleys were fertile and well watered enough to produce this surplus.
Around 10th century BC.
Circa the 8th century CE
It was a celebration in honour of the god Zeus, held at his temple in Olympus.
..The main reason the ancient civilizations began along river valleys is.
To get going, peoples need to do more than just toil for a living. The river valleys were so productive that there was a surplus of food, and resources could be diverted to developing infrastructure and culture.
In the Yellow and Yangtze river valleys
Mayan, Mesopotamian, Minoan...
Mesopotamia: Tigris and Euphrates. Indus River
Baking items began over 5,000 years ago in the Ancient civilizations.
Until it was globally outlawed, slavery has been an institution practiced since ancient times. Nearly all ancient civilizations had slaves.
They built dams to conserve water and irrigation channels to distribute it.
The fertile crescent was a land abounding in natural fruits and pastures, especially in the earliest time. Many people were being forced from the north by severe winters and slowly the rich valleys of Mesopotamia became their home.
River valleys provided fertile land for agriculture, reliable water sources for irrigation, transportation, and trade. These factors allowed for the development of surplus food production, which led to population growth, social organization, and the establishment of complex societies.
Ancient people began settling the Nile River valley around 5000 BCE during the Neolithic period. The fertile soil, consistent water supply, and natural resources of the Nile made it an attractive place for early civilizations to establish settlements and develop agricultural societies.
The environment provided a surplus of food so resources could be diverted from just surviving to more advanced culture.