ancient people used to predict the seasons and other event that were important to them in daliy lives ex: if something unusal happened such as eclipse
almost all ancient civilizations studied medicine
I studied ancient history
Ancient Mesopotamia's forest was so dense that they could not see the stars
The ancient Greeks believed that every day, Apollo, the god of the sun, would ride a chariot a across the sky, pulling the sun behind him.
The first people to study the stars were ancient civilizations such as the Babylonians, Egyptians, and Greeks. They observed the night sky and developed early forms of astronomy to understand celestial events and their significance.
The Ancient Greeks first studied the milky way but they thought that the stars were holes in a dome surrounding the earth
Your statement is wrong. Ancient people didn't think this. In fact, the Ancient Greeks studied the stars, knew about gravity, and knew that the earth was round.
People in the past usually studied the stars because they used it to make Calenders and days
No people studied. 90% of the population couldn't read or write. The 10% who did were monks who studied the bible and rewrote from ancient texts.
Ancient Rome is studied by historians and archaeologists who specialise in ancient Rome and people who study the classics.
they studied Christianity after they were conquered
It was studied in the home, in temples, and in the ancient Agora.
it was first studied by man when he was just created, he looked up at the stars and wondered. Many people think the Mayans were.
To predict the weather.
The sun, the stars.
almost all ancient civilizations studied medicine