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When a Pharaoh died, the Egyptian's placed food, objects, shabtis, etc.into the tomb to serve the Pharaoh in the afterlife. The Pharaoh's queen also received similar treatment.

They believed that when they passed over into their next life, they would need all these things including their riches, beds and etc.

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The rituals surrounding the burial of the Pharaohs was to give them everlasting life (or to help them to continue to the next level of existance, or whatever they considered to come after life).

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Because they thought they can brought their wealth to another world

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they belived the pharaohs would live in the afterlife (a life after death) if they buryed them

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Q: Why did egyptians of the old kingdom bury their pharaohs?
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Where did Egyptians of the old kingdom bury there Pharos?

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Where dd Egyptian of the old kingdom bury their pharaohs?

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Where did Egyptian of old kingdom bury their pharaohs?

The Egyptions buried there pharohs in the Vally of the Kings.

Where did Egyptian of the old kingdom bury their Pharaohs?

The Egyptions buried there pharohs in the Vally of the Kings.

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In the vally of the kings

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they built satues, priminds

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Was the end of the old kingdom was the pharaohs lost power to the priests?

It is False