because that was the only place where they could grow there crops/food.
most Ancient Egyptians were peasant farmers
In ancient times the women lived in houses that were made of mudbricks. Surprisingly, unlike most ancient cultures, the Egyptians allowed their women (almost) the same rights as their men. They had the rights to get a divorce, inherit and own land and possesions, etc.
most egyptians lived to around the age of 30
The egyptians
Ancient Egyptians had an abundance of gold. Most was thought to be found in the Nubian Desert, which is part of the Sahara Desert.
Near the Nile k
Near the Nile k
Along the fertile Nile River.
near the river nile
most Ancient Egyptians were peasant farmers
Some, but most are Arabs.
In ancient times the women lived in houses that were made of mudbricks. Surprisingly, unlike most ancient cultures, the Egyptians allowed their women (almost) the same rights as their men. They had the rights to get a divorce, inherit and own land and possesions, etc.
There are 6 differenttipes of people in Ancient Egypt. But the most important are the Pharaohs. They were the RICHEST Egyptians in Ancient Egypt!
most egyptians lived to around the age of 30
Most was white linen.
The descendants of the Ancient Egyptians are mostly the Coptic Egyptians, as the rest of the Egyptians are Arabs who came from what is now called Saudi Arabia. Since Ancient Egyptians were neither Arabs nor did they speak Arabic, most modern Egyptians have no connection to the Ancient Egyptians since they're Arabs.