During the Renaissance period, it was particularly noted that Kings and Queens wore gowns that were purple. In that time, purple stands for nobility. Thus, the color purple is very expensive to dye because it only comes from aged clams.
they wear CLOTHES
They wore large dresses shapped like scrotums.
if you were noble it would probably be silk puffy dresses but if you were a peasant you would wear rags
the Romans did not wear underwear but they may wear a bit of leather
There were no Queens only Pharaohs and they wore gold coulerd dresses
Yes they did
The colour that only the Roman emperor was allowed to wear was purple.
yes she does wear dresses
They wore posh clothes like long frilly dresses and posh suits
Queen: beautiful long dresses, usually purple with the bottom half of the dress all puffed up. King: silk shirt with the area around the shoulders poofy. still usually purple. NOTE: only the royal people are allowed to wear purple.
The New York State Troopers wear a purple tie and hatband as a reference to the Roman Praetorian Guard, who were also responsible for the security of the Head of State.
why do they wear red dresses in India
Queens in the earliest medieval times had no more dresses than an ordinary modern woman would. In fact I would bet some had only two, one to wear and one to wash. But then some queens were confined to convents. Things got better for women in general as the Middle Ages passed. I have read the when Queen Elizabeth I died, she had many hundreds of gowns.
People in the Roman empire wore the clothing of the times, which was tunics and cloaks, sometimes togas for the men and long dresses and shawls for the women.