they didnt 'abandon them' Constantine the great converted the Roman Empire from its pagan routs into Christianity, if he didnt then we might still have them today
The Romans invented the claender through their different gods.
Greeks were the first people to create the myths about gods Romans stole them and changed them when they took over Greece.But the father of the gods was Cronos the titan lord of time and the titans ruled before the gods.
the gods balanced out life and death for the Romans
The Romans, simply put, took Greek mythology and renamed the gods.
The Romans worshiped hundreds of gods
No the Romans did not force the Jews to worship their gods.
Romans believed in gods and winning
The Romans knew of very, very many gods from the beginning of their history to its endings.
Romans worship their gods through feasting. For example, Saturnalia.....
Because the Romans took the Greek gods but actually, the Romans had quite a few more gods than the Greeks. At first, the Romans found similarities between the major gods and the number of gods was about the same. However as the Roman empire expanded, they assimilated other cultures' gods into their pantheon and the number mushroomed.
Yes, there were literally hundreds of gods that the Romans had adopted into their culture from their conquests of other empires.
Yes, early Romans did.
Bacchus was one of the roman gods. The Romans were actually afraid of their gods which is why they worshipped them.
They worshiped them.
To explain what was to them unexplainable.