The Romans looked down on other civilizations because they had more advanced technology and also believed their gods were superior. Some examples of their technologies are the Roman baths, their sewage system, and their water systems.
No, there isn't sand on the floor of the colosseum because there is no floor. What was once was the floor is gone. When you visit it you look down into what was under the floor originally. When the Romans used the colosseum they could flood the floor to have sea battles.
yes they are. look at the word roman. hear the sound rome in the begining. rome/en. get it. got it. good.
Roman Villa were decorated with mosacis and wall paintings.Roman villa were very big and only rich Romans could affored them.
The Roman attitude to their gods was that of a compact - if they honoured the gods, they would look after Rome. Jupiter was their high god and so he was most important to looking after their interests.
There are many cultures in Toronto. There are a variety of cultures to look at.
Certian cultures favor the "thin" look on women more than other cultures do. In places where being thinner is considered to be more successful, beautiful, wealthy, ect., then those cultures tend to have higher rates of eating disorders as more people strive for that look.
Look in your Social Studies book!!! Pg. 156 Facts #9
The Romans got most of their gods from the Greeks like a lot of their things. Because of this, Their might be a Greek god and a Roman god with different names, but look and act the same. ie: The Roman goddess of love is Venus, but for the Greeks, the goddess of love is Aphrodite.
No! Philippine culture is not inferior in any way to other cultures. Everyone places a premium on his/her culture. The way American, Nigerian, British or German culture is important to their people, is the same way Philippines culture is important to its people. Everyone respects the culture of the other person. No attempt should be made to look down on the cultures of other people. Arguments about cultural superiority can bring about avoidable conflicts. When we respect the culture of other people the same way we respect ours, the world becomes a better place to live in.
Yes, the ancient Romans were very good at building things.
Romans wanted their statues to be more realistic and alive.
They look like ordinary people. There are many people from many cultures.
The original statue of the Sphinx is in Egypt if that is what you meant but sphinxes are also part of other cultures, look at the web link I will place below.
Look for them on purevolume or other music sites. A few I like would be Asking Alexandria, We Came As Romans, Through Arteries, etc.