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Because a year does not consist of 365 days. No. It consists of 365 and a quarter days. As it would be stupid to reset your clocks 6 hours into the 1st January and then suddenly be all like 'It's the 2nd January!', they decided that every four years there would be a whole extra day. Hence, leap years.

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17y ago
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15y ago

All cultures, everywhere invent a calendar of some kind.

Because of the influence it had the Roman calendar became widespread. It was not the only calendar in use at the time any more than the Gregorian one, used by most people, is not the only one in use today

It is done because it is necessary to calculate future dates for commerce and for social reasons.

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10y ago

He did not invent the calendar. He ordered the old Julian calendar be revised as the year was a few minutes too long and it cause problems with the date of the season changes as well as the date of Easter.

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16y ago

So that they could keep track of when the Nile would flood.

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15y ago

the egyptians put together a calendar because it was to help predict the floods

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10y ago

The Romans did invent a calendar. It consisted of months with 30 or 31 days, and was said to be created by Romulus.

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15y ago

they developed it because they needed to know when the nile would flood (may-september). They used this so people wouldn't drown and to help them build irrigation systems.

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because they wanted to

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Q: Why did the ancient Egyptians develop a calendar?
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