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They did this to prevent them from drying out. The sand in Egypt was very hot and removed all moisture from them. THey would soon rot.

776920oncape's answer: also to make sure the body was kept well preserved for te Afterlife. :) hope this helped

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16y ago

Ancient Egyptians did mumifthey people, as they did believe in rebirth, and they also kept their favorite things and sometimes even mufified their slaves to use in the next world.

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Q: Why did the ancient Egyptians mummify their pharaohs?
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Why do Egyptians mummify people?

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The ancient Egyptians did not mummify their gods but the bodies of their dead.

Why did the ancient Egyptians mummify the pharaohs?

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To mummify the deceased.

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The ancient Egyptians built the pyramids for pharaohs in the afterlife.

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The Pharaohs ruled over the Egyptians.

Why Egyptians mummified people?

Because they wanted there Pharaohs to be preserved. If you mummify somebody it will make there bodies last longer

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Why would ancient Egyptians mummify their pets and animals?

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Where did they mummify?

Mummification is the process that was used on all Egyptian Pharaohs, as well as some other Egyptians who were wealthy. It was done in the tombs.

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The Ancient Egyptians built pyramids for tombs for their pharaohs and their queens.

How did the ancient Egyptian mummify?

The ancient Egyptians used many stages to mummify bodies once the person had died they would cover them in a substance that would dry there skin out.