maybe or maybe not Whenever we use paragraphs marked with a, b, c, d..... or A, B, C, D...the Greek numbering system is used.
Greek Mythology does not come with a start date.
The name of the greek writing system is Cuniform.
It started in 1821.
it started in the 200 bc
No. Greek is a language, a culture, an ethnic group etc. But it is not a number system.
No it did not
The unit zero
No, the Ancient Greek number system did not use zero as a place value, or number for that matter.
The Dewey decimal number for Greek civilization is 938 in the Dewey Decimal Classification system.
khilia silent k
Greek numerals are a system of representing numbers using the letters of the Greek alphabet. The first Greek number system we examine is their acrophonic system which was use in the first millennium BC. 'Acrophonic' means that the symbols for the numerals come from the first letter of the number name, so the symbol has come from an abreviation of the word which is used for the number. Here are the symbols for the numbers 5, 10, 100, 1000, 10000. No one has claimed to be the author.
Greece and neighbouriong countries such as turkey
Being unhappy with the existing one, Archimedes is known to have invented his own Greek number system