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the crook and flail were most commonly represented together and were held across the chest of pharaohs and represented kingship

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Q: Why did the pharaohs carry a crook and a flail?
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Why does the Egyptian god Ra wield the crook and flail?

the crook and flail is commonly represents the power of the gods and Pharaohs

What pharaohs held the crook and flail?

The most strongest and important pharaohs, of course. (this is a guess :3)

Did ra carry a crook and flail?


Did pharaoh always carry the crook and flail?

yes they always did

What is a crook and a flail?


What was the object held in the pharaohs right hand?

In many depictions he is shown holding a crook and flail, ancient symbols of the pharaoh's power to both protect and punish.

How do you say crook and flail in french?

"Crook" in French is "faux" and "flail" in French is "fléau".

What was the ancient Egyptian crook used to do?

In Ancient Egypt, the crook and flail were objects that were symbolic of the pharaoh. The crook symbolized kingship and the flail symbolized fertility of the land.

What were pharaohs tool of trade?

I am assuming you are wondering what are the two items held in the Pharaoh's hands in many depictions. These are the Crook and the Flail. The Crook is related to animal husbandry, the flail to agriculture. The crook is used by shepherds to direct and control their flocks as well as protect them frommarauding animals. The Flail is used to separate grain from the stem by beating. It can also be used as a weapon. The usual interpretation is that the Pharaoh was to protect, defend and provide for the people he ruled over.

What did pharaohs use crooks and flails for?

The royal sceptres (the crook and the flail) were not intended to be used for anything. Like the modern orb and sceptre of the Queen of England they represented authority, kingship, power and justice but were entirely symbolic.The crook (awt) was the same as a shepherd's crook, symbolising the king's care and protection for the Egyptian population. The flail (nxx) was essentially a type of whip or flagellum and symbolised the king's power of punishment, life and death over his subjects.A crook and flail is often held by Osiris, Khons and other gods.

What are pharaohs tools of trade?

I am assuming you are wondering what are the two items held in the Pharaoh's hands in many depictions. These are the Crook and the Flail. The Crook is related to animal husbandry, the flail to agriculture. The crook is used by shepherds to direct and control their flocks as well as protect them frommarauding animals. The Flail is used to separate grain from the stem by beating. It can also be used as a weapon. The usual interpretation is that the Pharaoh was to protect, defend and provide for the people he ruled over.

Is it true that crossing arms is a form of royalty?

They crossed their arms and held in one hand the crook and in the other, the flail. The crook and flail are the symbols of being pharaoh.