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I think it was that they thought if someone got the gods mad they would all be punished for it.

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Because the gods might punish them all.

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Q: Why did the sumerians consider it everyone's responsibility to keep the gods happy?
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Why did the Sumerians consider it everyones responsibility to keep the gods happy?

Everyone considered one god to be its special protector.

Why did the sumerian consider it everyones responsibility to keep the gods happy?

Everyone considered one god to be its special protector.

Why did the sumerians consider everyone's responsibility to keep the gods happy?

because the sumerians belived that success in every area of life depended on pleasing the gods therfore every sumerian had the responsability to keep the gods happy.

Why did the Sumerians consider it everyone's responsibility to keep gods happy?

because the sumerians belived that success in every area of life depended on pleasing the gods therfore every sumerian had the responsability to keep the gods happy.

Why did sumerians consider it everyone's responsibility to keep the gods happy?

because the sumerians belived that success in every area of life depended on pleasing the gods therfore every sumerian had the responsability to keep the gods happy.

Why did the Sumerians consider everyone's responsibility to keep to keep the gods happy?

I think it was that they thought if someone got the gods mad they would all be punished for it.

Why did the Sumerians consider ot everyone's responsibility to keep the gods happy?

I'm pretty sure it's because Sumer had very serious and violent laws.

Why did the Sumerian's consider it everyone's responsibility to keep the gods happy?

because the sumerians belived that success in every area of life depended on pleasing the gods therfore every sumerian had the responsability to keep the gods happy.

Why did the Sumerian consider it everyone's responsibility to keep gods happy?

because the sumerians belived that success in every area of life depended on pleasing the gods therfore every sumerian had the responsability to keep the gods happy.

Why did the Sumerians considering everyone's responsibility to keep the gods happy?

because the sumerians belived that success in every area of life depended on pleasing the gods therfore every sumerian had the responsability to keep the gods happy.

Why did the sumerians consider it everyone's to keep the god's happy?

because the sumerians belived that success in every area of life depended on pleasing the gods therfore every sumerian had the responsability to keep the gods happy.

Did sumerians believed the gods wanted them happy?
