priam cried for reclaiming hectors body, while, achilies cried for his father had pasted away before his time
Achilles found Lycaon cutting trees in Priam's orchard. Lycaon was a son of Priam. Achilles sold Lycaon into slavery and the slave owner, Eetion brought him back to Troy. Later Achilles kills Lycaon on the battlefield even though Lycaon pleaded for his life.
Achiles' mother Thetis, ordered by the Gods, was sent down to reason with him. So when Priam arrived he offered ransom's and Achilles gave the body back due to the Gods orders.
It appears that the question should be "what happens when Priam confronts Achilles?" Priam was a man of gentleness and piety. In his old age he was looked upon as a man of sorrows because of the misfortunes that befell his city and his family for which he was powerless to avert disaster. He was looked upon then as worthy of pity and honor. When he went to see Achilles to ransom the body of Hector Achilles was moved to pity him and granted his request.
The main ones were Achilles, Hector, Odysseus, Priam, and Ajax
King Priam is killed in front of an altar for the gods by Achilles' son, Neoptolemus (or Pyrrhus), during the looting of the city of Troy by the Greeks.
Priam asks Achilles to remember his own father, Peleus.
Priam kissed Achilles hands to get him to give back Hectors body.
Priam talks about Achilles's own father, Peleus, who is awaiting his return.
He drew on the universal themes of grief; his own for his son and Achilles' for Patroklos, and also asks Achilles to think of him as his own father, who has the hope that his son, Achilles will come back alive, yet Priam hasn't even got this. Priam also brings a large ransom with him.
It is the gods which inspire Priam to seek Achilles. Zeus holds yet another meeting discussing Achilles irrational behavior. They argue but decide to return Hektor's body to Priam for a proper burial. When Priam visits Achilles in Book XXIV, it is evident that, up until this point, Achilles has been consumed by irrational feelings of anger, ego, and unjust pride. Now, Priam appeals to Achilles emotional intelligence, appearing as the father of Hektor and not as the King of Troy. He asks Achilles to remember his own father- suggesting that a father's wish is to see his son treated with the respect he deserves. Achilles is compassionate. He remembers the "vision" of Patroklos, looking inside himself and understanding Priam's pain and anguish. This adds to the psychological component of the book. Achilles is aware of himself in a more humane way- he is sympathetic to Priam. His uncontrolled anger has subsided and he has reached a state of enlightenment and personal development.
The main thing Achilles reacted to was that Priam compared himself to Achilles father, saying that he would want his son's body back too. Achilles was also impressed because Priam had had the courage to just walk up to him, even though he realized Priam had some help of the gods (or maybe BECAUSE he realized that).
paris Hector was the eldest son of Priam and Hecuba.
King Priam
He drew on the universal themes of grief; his own for his son and Achilles' for Patroklos, and also asks Achilles to think of him as his own father, who has the hope that his son, Achilles will come back alive, yet Priam hasn't even got this. Priam also brings a large ransom with him.
He lets Priam give his son Hector a proper Trojan funeral and some peace.
Achilles' purpose was that Odysseus went to get him from king priam to fight in the Trojan War. Which he did until he left