Shot by and arrow from Paris.
Paris shot him with an arrow in front of the city of Troy in the 10th year of the invasion.
Legend says he died in the tenth year of the war in front of Troy, from an arrow of Paris.
Paris then left Oenone (his first wife) and went to Troy. There he was recognized as the king's son. Later he sailed to Sparta and carried off Helen, the most beautiful woman. In the war that followed, Paris treacherously slew the Greek hero Achilles but was himself wounded in battle. He begged help from Oenone, but she was angry because he had deserted her. She refused, and Paris died of his wound.
Achilles died at Troy when Paris shot him in the heel with an arrow. In some versions of the story, Apollo guides the arrow to Achilles heel. Some versions say the arrow was poisoned. The Iliad ends before Achilles' death.
William Paris died in 1915.
Landry of Paris died in 661.
John of Paris died in 1306.
Archibald Paris died in 1942.
Gaston Paris died in 1903.
Paris Nogari died in 1601.
Paris Reidhead died in 1992.
Giuseppe Paris died in 1968.
Ben Paris died in 1950.
Cecil Paris died in 1998.
Paris Nesbit died in 1927.
Ronnie Paris died in 2005.