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There is a hypothesis that Native Americans traveled from Asia, (or) to be more specific Russia areas and became the first to settle in what is Canada, North America, and Mexico and maybe even some parts of South and Central America.

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Q: Why is the land bridge important?
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The bridge

Why is a land bridge so important?

A land bridge is important because it connects two land masses, allowing for the migration of plants, animals, and even human populations. This can lead to the exchange of genetic diversity and the spread of species to new habitats. Additionally, a land bridge can facilitate trade and cultural exchange between regions.

What is the name for a raised bridge made of land?

land bridge

Where is a place where a land bridge separates two other places?

A land bridge does not separate places. A land bridge connects them.

What to what two continents meet at a rather small land bridge that also separates two of the world's most important to seas?

The continents that meet at a rather small land bridge are Europe and Asia, at the region known as the Isthmus of Suez. This land bridge separates the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea.

What is another name for narrow bridge of land?

A land bridge. An Isthmus.

Is the land bridge the last bridge that was made?

If you are referring to the Bering strait land bridge, it wasn't made but was part of the earth. It was an ice bridge.

What was the land bridge that connected America to Asia called?

The Bering Land Bridge.

What is the Bering land bridge migration?

When people crossed the bering land bridge :P

What is the name of the ice bridge from Alaska to Russia?

The Bering Land Bridge or the Bering Sea Land Bridge.

what is the name of the land bridge between the eastern and western hemispheres?

Beringia or the Bering Land Bridge

What land bridge from a thousand years ago stretched from Asia to what current day state in North America?

it was a land bridge called the "land bridge" doesn't it sound simple?