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yess.. i am pretty sure there is

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Q: Why is there a pyramid on the dollar bill?
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What bill has an eye and a pyramid?

USD $ 1 dollar bill

How many letters are in the motto above the pyramid on the one dollar bill?

on the dollar bill? if it is then its 12 letters

How many rows of stone made up the pyramid on the one dollare bill?

There are thirteen rows of stone in the pyramid on the dollar bill.

How many steps are on the pyramid that's on the dollar bill?


What does the pyramid on the back of a American dollar bill stand for?

it is jeaneawf

What is the unattached triangular top on the pyramid of the dollar bill?


What language is on the pyramid seal on the dollar bill?

The language on the pyramid seal on the dollar bill is Latin. The phrase "Annuit Coeptis" above the pyramid translates to "He approves our undertakings," while "Novus Ordo Seclorum" below the pyramid means "New Order of the Ages."

Where is the Pyramid shape seen in your lives?

On a $1 US dollar bill.

What date is inscribed on the bottom the the pyramid on the 1 dollar bill?


How many letters are in the motto above the pyramid on the dollar bill?

There are Nine letters. I have counted you can even observe by looking very closely into a dollar bill right on the bottom of the pyramid says these letters (MDCCLXXVI).

What is the date under the pyramid that is written in roman numerals?

It is: 1776 = MDCCLXXVI which can be found under the pyramid on a USA dollar bill

What is on the back of a dollar bill?

On the back of a dollar bill is the Great Seal a pyramid with an eye on top it also says IN GOD WE TRUST and The United States Of America.