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I forgot what exactly happened, but i think back when he was blessed, they put his whole body into the water and held him by his ankles. So his ankles were the only part of his body that never touched.


when his mother thetis dipped him into the river styx she held him by the heel so therefore he was only vulnerable in the heel!

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Q: Why was Achilles heel the only place he was vulnerable?
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Why was Achilles' heel the only place he was vulnerable?

It was where his mother held him by when she put him in the river Styx as a baby.

Can you give me an expression word Achilles heel?

"Achilles heel" is an idiom that refers to a person's weak point or vulnerability. It originates from the Greek myth of Achilles, whose only vulnerable spot was his heel.

Who injured Achilles?

Achilles was injured by an arrow shot by Paris, guided by Apollo, in his heel, which was his only vulnerable spot.

Who started the death of Achilles?

Paris shot an arrow at him and Apollo guided it to hit Achilles at his only vulnerable spot, the heel.

What was so interesting about Achilles death?

That somebody (Prince Paris) managed to hit Achilles on his only vulnerable spot, his heel.

Why the tendon above the heel is called the Achilles tendon?

The tendon above the heel is called the Achilles tendon because it connects the calf muscle to the heel bone, named after the Greek mythological hero Achilles. According to the myth, Achilles was invulnerable except for his heel, where his mother held him when she dipped him in the river Styx to make him immortal.

Why was the arrow in Achilles heel the only place an arrow could cause his death?

his heel was his weakness. there is no specific reason, just that for Achilles in particular his heel was his one weakness.

According to legend how did Achilles die?

Achilles died when his enemy shot a poisoned arrow into his heel. Achilles' heel was the only part of his body that was vulnerable; as a baby, he had been dipped into the River Styx by his mother, who held onto him by his ankle. Achilles' immersion made him impervious to harm, but because his ankle did not contact the river, it remained mortal and vulnerable. The idiom "Achilles' heel" has come to mean a fatal flaw, a chink in one's armor.

Where was Achilles shot?

He was shot in the heel of his foot - the only part of him that wasn't dipped in the river Styx. It was the only vulnerable part of his body.

What is the tendon that is named after a Greek mythical hero?

The Achilles tendon is named after the Greek mythical hero Achilles. It is the largest and strongest tendon in the body, connecting the calf muscles to the heel bone.

Was it totally imposible to kill Achilles?

No. His heel was his only vulnerable spot. Other than that, he was completely immortal. He was killed by Paris (with help from Apollo), who shot him with an arrow in his heel.

What does Achilles mean?

Achilles's name means "the grief of the people."