El Castillo is a Meso-American step pyramid that was built by the Mayan civilization between the 9th and 12th centuries. The pyramid is thought to have been built as a tribute to their god Kukulkan, a feathered serpent deity.
the Mayans
To protect the spanish
143 people help build it
{| ! scope="col" width="81" | idth ! scope="col" width="156" | Meters ! scope="col" width="142" | Zapal equivalent ! scope="row" | Top| 19.5213 ! scope="row" | Base| 55.337 ! scope="row" | Temple| 13.42 9 ! scope="row" | Stairs| 8.85 6 |}
Essentially a 9 step structure, with a flat platform at the top, which supports a 2 storey temple, El Castillois a credit to the architects and the people who built it. The chief building materials are Limestone,Native hardwood[for beams] and mortar. The site would have been first cleared of vegetation,then leveled.The Limestone blocks quarried from a nearby site, then dragged to the construction area. First the outer casing stones, which are finely trimmed and dressed, would have been erected. The stones were cut to a size that made them easy to manouver into place by two people. As the outer casing rose, the interior space was back filled with closely packed stones/rubble, then set in mortar. The mortar was made by burning limestone in wood fired kilns to produce lime, then the lime was mixed with white soil[sahcab] and water to make a very good mortar. Some of the ceiling beams and door lintels are made with Chicozapote beams, a native hardwood cut from the surrounding area. As the structure grew the four staircases on each side side of the pyramid were used to bring up the stones,rubble,Chicozapote beams and mortar required by the builders. As each of the 9 steps was completed, there would have been an opportunity to check measurements, do any levelling required and set measurements for the next tier. Using these principles El Castillo was built, but the structure itself, is so much more than a building.
in rome
There are a lot of El Castillos, but the original was built in Chichan Itza, Mexico.
Don Juan Pacheco, marqes de Villena, built it
It was built by the Maya civilisation sometime between the 9th and 12th centuries AD
It was built by the Maya civilisation sometime between the 9th and 12th centuries AD
El Castillo is in Chichén Itza. Where specifically? I don't know...
El Castillo Interior was created in 1577.
The population of El Castillo - municipality - is 19,864.
'El castillo' is a Spanish word that means 'castle.'
it was built around the 9th and 11th century so is approximately 1000 years old.
The area of El Castillo - municipality - is 1,656 square kilometers.