Meroe was in a good location because there were iron so they could make weapons out of it.
Kush moves to capital Meroe about 540 B.C.
they both are cities
KERMA The first kingdom of Kush was based at Kerma. Then it was destroyed by the ancient Egyptians. After that, a second kingdom of Kush eventually emerged with it's capital first at NAPATA and then later on at MEROE
Fatheer South than then Meroe
because people started to sit
Meroe was in a good location because there were iron so they could make weapons out of it.
meroe was in a good location because it was near natural gold.
Meroe is located in Egypt.
The area around Meroë was full of iron ore deposits
The location of meroe helped the kush's economy grow
The Meroe Pyramids are located in the North-East of Sudan near the banks of the Nile in the area commonly known as Nubia.
The Assyrians conquered Meroe.
The location of meroe helped the kush's economy grow
I have been to Meroe before it's the capital of Kush.
Because meroe is important
napata moved farther south from meroe
The city of Meroe was the capital of the Kush. The city was conquered by the Aksumites about 330 CE.