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The Latins chose the edge of the Tiber due to its proximity to a major Etruscan (a tribal people in northern Italy) trade road and its great soil. The Romans said that they settled at the edge of the river becasue their founders Romulus and Remus were found there as infants. That is unlikely, considering the legend has it that they were being nutured by a wild wolf. I hope I helped.

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14y ago

It is a region with many advantages:

1- It is close enough to the Mediterranean Sea to trade.

2- But it is far enough to be protected from enemies' ships.

3- It is protected by seven hills.

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11y ago

The area of Rome had been inhabited for centuries before Rome's foundation.n. There is evidence of human presence in the area which goes back to 14,000 years ago, that is around 12,000 BC.

Rome was said to have been founded in 753 BC. The founding of Rome does not refer to the building of the city. It refers to the creation the Roman state. Romulus did not build Rome. Romulus unified the peoples who lived on the settlements of the hills which were to become the Seven Hills of Rome under his rule. Collectively, these settlements became Rome. Romulus was the first king of Rome as well as the founder of the city.

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11y ago

The area of Rome had been inhabited for centuries before Rome's foundation.n. There is evidence of human presence in the area which goes back to 14,000 years ago, that is around 12,000 BC.

Rome was said to have been founded in 753 BC. The founding of Rome does not refer to the building of the city. It refers to the creation the Roman state. Romulus did not build Rome. Romulus unified the peoples who lived on the settlements of the hills which were to become the Seven Hills of Rome under his rule. Collectively, these settlements became Rome. Romulus was the first king of Rome as well as the founder of the city.

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