The delta was important to ancient egyptians because the delta helped the nile delta because in ancient times it was covered by swamps and marshes but the delta helped and cleared it all up so now it is swamp free!
The ancient Egyptians ruled a land that was a Paradise but, every fifty years, something would happen that made Egypt a very bad place. The river was the most reasonable to settle by. It provided many things such as rich farmland, moist air for the raising of the vine, not to say a gold mine for fishing. It was also a viable route into the Mediterranean basin, or Hades. The Delta at the time had seven heads, the farthest west being that of King Busiris. Actually, the Busiris was a settlement on the edge of Libya. The Nile, itself being one of the longest in the world, had a massive runoff as rainstorms in the interior burst out of Africa. As it entered Hades if eventually became one source and this was the passage to the interior. The interior was not as elevated as in modern times and the water ran to fill a massive lake called Lac Mer. Many a traveler used this route to new, unknown lands. There they would find folks who had gone on before. Many of these families had been decimated by the ferocity they had to face as they came in the most primitive of times. Many of the bloodlines that had were the remnant of the Rashi Empire. It was the influx of people from the west down the Western Nile and it was an important seaport. The Nile Delta was the jumping-off point of travel into the unknown.
Pyramids, Nile Delta.
Between the Tigris and the Euphrates river
How did the nile river shaped ancient egypt
The Nile delta
lower Egypt is located in the northern region,down river.
Because it was [and is] the most fertile part of Egypt.
Pyramids, Nile Delta.
The delta is where all the food was grown.
Ancient Egypt was located in North Africa, along the top part of the Nile River (NILE DELTA) in the present day country of Egypt.
The Nile and White Nile River valleys, mountains beside them, desert, Nile delta and Mediterranean Sea.
Nile Delta
The Nile Delta is located in Africa, in the country of Egypt. It is formed by the Nile River as it empties into the Mediterranean Sea.
Nile delta
Ancient Egyptian civilization began around 3100 bc, when the kingdoms of Lower Egypt (on the Nile delta) and Upper Egypt , trading on a small scale which created a kingdom and civilisation.
Hot and dry for the most part, but very humid in the Nile Delta.
In Egypt. We learnt it in art school when we were learning to ride elephants.
the nile river delta is located in Egypt............. :)